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Wednesday, April 21, 2021

10. Character Transformation: Goals, Plots, Irony

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LESSON NO. 10   VIDEO PARTS: 3   LENGTH: 54-min   SLIDES: 54   CLIPS: 0
DESCRIPTION: This lesson covers the foolproof, anti-writers-block method for screenwriters, novelists, and playwrights to design their character's plots, subplots and transformation. It describes the theory and demonstrates the method for proper construction of plots using the 11-13 fundamental beats as a basis for longer plots, and using only 3-5 beats for shorter sub-plots. It also shows how the various subplots are integrated, yet keeping the story about one thing.

SPECIFICALLY, this lesson coves:
-- Review of the traditional beats and the rollercoaster effect
-- How the major beats are laid out on a story diamond.
-- How Characters transform through the Values-Actions cycle
-- How Inner Values motivate Outer Action
-- How the protagonist has no control over the consequences of his/her action
-- Why each subplot must have an associated goal
-- Why characters have multiple subplots
-- How subplots are created from a character's life aspects
-- How the Moral Premise unites plots and subplots
-- How to card a plot or subplot
-- How to determine who the protagonist of a story is and how to keep him or her in that role
-- How Irony dramatizes Goals and Plots
-- How Irony naturally leads to Oscar winning scripts

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