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Tuesday, April 27, 2021

4. Character Traits (Secrets)

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LESSON NO. 4    VIDEO PARTS: 1   LENGTH: 23-min   SLIDES: 7   CLIPS: 0
DESCRIPTION: This lesson explains the five critical traits that your protagonist (and all other main characters) must have in order to emotionally connect with audiences. These include Imperfection, Passion, Visible Goals, Psychological Needs, and the origin of organic insurmountable physical obstacles that prevent the protagonist and others from reaching their goals.

SPECIFICALLY, this lesson covers:
-- Successful story secrets six through 10
-- Why your protagonist needs to be imperfect
-- How your protagonist must strive to change
-- The importance of a protagonist's visible physical goal
-- The motivation of the protagonist's psychological need
-- How the protagonist's psychological need creates physical obstacles.

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